“Where slavery is there liberty cannot be; and where Liberty is there slavery cannot be"

Charles Sumner, Barbarism of Slavery, speech, June 4, 1860, Library of Congress

What Is Human Trafficking?

Human trafficking is the modern-day slave trade, which is a highly lucrative business because the product, a human being, is reusable, unlike drugs.  Because of this, it is used by terrorist organizations, cartels, and gangs to finance their operations.  Examples include commercial sex acts, child soldiers, child brides, organ harvesting, child assassins, labor, services, and satanic ritual abuse victims (SRA).

The Trafficking Victims Protection Acts defines human trafficking as inducing anyone under the age of 18 by force, fraud, or coercion to perform a commercial sex act.  It also includes, regardless of age, "the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.” Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 §22 U.S.C. 7102 (2008); Priv. L. No. 106-386, 8 C.F.R. §1003.19 (2008). (TVPA).  

Poverty and greed are two main ingredients for Human Trafficking and Pornography fuels the demand.      

The fight against human trafficking must be fought on several fronts:

  • Educational, Legal, Investigative & Rescues Operations, Safe Houses & Restorative Care Facilities.

  • Education that brings about awareness to prevent a human being from being trafficked.  

  • Education that enables people to identify and report victims.

  • Education & ministry that reduces the demand.  

  • Legal efforts to close loopholes and ensure justice for the victims.

  • Equipping and Training of individuals called to investigate trafficking operations and rescue victims.

  • Education and equipping of individuals called to staff safe houses and restorative care facilities, which includes how to minister trauma-informed Holy Spirit-directed care.

How can you join the fight?

1.  Sign up for our email list (fill out the form below), where you will receive updates on our efforts and events.

2.  Pray for our protection, boldness, and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading.  Pray also for favor, divine appointments, and open doors as the Lord wills.

3.  Put your heart in the fight by supporting us financially.  Jesus said,  "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matt. 6:21).  If you put some of your treasure in the fight by supporting us, your heart will be in it too!