Virtual Breakthrough Sessions

Henry & Amanda make themselves available on a limited basis for virtual breakthrough sessions.  They bring over 30 years of combined pastoral ministry experience to partner with God for your breakthrough.  The goal of each session is to secure the freedom that Jesus purchased for you on the cross and to increase your intimacy with God.  Since they are not on a church staff salary, the sessions have a fee to value the time and dedication required for each session.  Each session is uniquely tailored for your specific circumstance.


Depending on the need you might expect any of the following:

  • The revealing & renouncing of lies we have believed that hold us captive.

  • Discovering the root issues to reoccurring problems that are not normal for a child of God.

  • Breaking of unhealthy soul ties with people that cause co-dependency.

  • Breaking of generational patterns of sin that are passed down in your Family line.

  • Closing all doors that give the enemy access to tormenting us.

  • Deliverance from demons that can cause infirmity/disease and reoccurring sinful patterns.

  • Breaking chains of besetting sins and sinful patterns that we continually struggle with.

In each session, we rely on the Holy Spirit as we use simple tools of inner healing and deliverance to remove lies and heal emotional wounds that may have become barriers to a deeper relationship with God. We follow the Holy Spirit in working through issues that arise during each session.

Each session is typically one and a half to two hours long.

After booking your session, you will be sent a liability waiver and questionnaire. If you do not see this email come through after purchasing your session, check your spam and/or promotions folders. Please ensure you complete these forms and return them at least three days prior to your scheduled appointment.